Image Library This table is used by the Image Utility as a reference of commonly-used image URLs. Clip Library This table is used as the text reference by the various Clip Library commands (found under the menubar Edit menu). Hotlist This table is used by various commands to build the Hotlist menu, which contains URL bookmarks for locations on the Web. Export Conversion When the ‘Use Export Conversion’ option is checked, this conversion table is used as the reference for text string translations on exported documents. Custom Entity Table This utility is used to create and associate custom entity codes with specific Master Headers, Footers or documents, and used as the substitution reference on exported documents. Table Conversion This table is used by the Table Conversion command (found under the Utility menu) as a general purpose substitution table. Preprocess Text This table is used by the Preprocess Text command (found under the Utility menu) to process imported text documents prior to adding any HTML markup.